Important – If You Have Squidoo Lenses
If you have been using Squidoo lenses as part of your online marketing there is some important news that you need to act on now.
I just received notice that Hubpages have acquired Squidoo and will be merging Squidoo content over to Hubpages over the next few weeks.
There is information about what you need to do on your Squidoo dashboard right now. If you don’t want your lens content moved over to Hubpages but would rather put the content somewhere else you need to take an archive of your content before August 29th so there’s not much time to get this done.
I suggest that you take an archive copy of your content anyway because Squidoo are saying that they will only be moving the highest rated and most useful content over to Squidoo, which may mean that your content will not be moved.
Any content not moved over will not be available online from September/October onwards and therefore will be lost so if you want to keep your work to use elsewhere you must take a back-up of it as soon as possible, but certainly before August 29th.
The announcement says that payment will continue uninterrupted and that there will be information provided for how to set up a Hubpages account and earn money from your pages.
They have provided an FAQ page at;
Hopefully the combined experiences and resources of the merger will open up more opportunities to make money with Hubpages.