Traffic Tips For Beginners

One of the most popular topics that comes up time and time again when I talk to people at workshops and networking events is traffic. In many instances I find that the person asking me about traffic doesn’t have anywhere to send that traffic to if they had it, but that’s a topic for another […]

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Are You Happy With Your Life?

I’ve mentioned before that I like to start my week with some motivation. For me that usually involves me checking out a TED talk. If you haven’t come across TED talks before I encourage you to go to the TED talks website and check out what’s there. I’ve gained so many valuable insights about business, […]

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News From The Archives

I’m a great hoarder of stuff. I can’t help it, I just don’t like throwing things away in case they come in useful at some point in the future. Do you relate to that, or are you one of those people that can keep clutter down to a manageable level? Anyway, I’m a hoarder and sometimes it […]

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Win The Life Of Your Dreams

Imagine being able to do what you want, go where you want, whenever you want without any worries. If that was true for you where would you go? What would you do? Take a few minutes to really imagine yourself in that situation. Maybe it’s time to replace your car. Imagine just going out and […]

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This Really Surprised Me

Trevor Greenfield

I like to start my day with a short motivation session and one of the sites I regularly visit during this session is the Ted’s Talks site. One of the talks that I listened to recently included some surprising statistics that could change the way we think about ecommerce. The theme of the talk was […]

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Work From Home Jobs

Part of what I do as an Internet marketer is provide help and advice about working online to my subscriber list. People joining my list do so because they want to make money online and are looking for help and advice about how to go about doing that. The aim of everyone that joins me […]

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