So You Need A Squeeze Page?
If you are serious about growing an income online you need a way to build an email list.
There are lots of different ways to make money online – some of them very different from the rest. However, there is one thing that they all have in common and that is they can all be improved massively by having a customer list.
To build that list you need a way of capturing some information about your site visitor and recording that information so that you can get back in contact with them.
That’s where the squeeze page or lead capture page comes in.
The sole purpose of a squeeze page is to capture leads. That’s an important point to keep in mind here. The squeeze page shouldn’t have lots of other links on it that can take your visitor away from the page.
We need to get these visitors onto our email list so that we can follow-up with them in the future.
The point to realise is that when you promote an offer most of your visitors to that offer will not take action immediately. There is an unwritten rule in sales that potential clients need seven exposures to our sales message before they buy.
Now even if it’s not always seven exposures, it is more than one in most cases. That’s why we need to capture their information. Once we have them on a list we can mail that list as many times as we want to with details of the offer.
Some of those people on our list will never buy our offer for a variety of reasons whether we mail them seven times or more but if we don’t have them on a list we can’t mail them again ever.
OK, so let’s get back to the subject of this training - you need a squeeze page. This is the first step in putting together any system for making money online, you’ll come across it in training programs everywhere, and for most people it’s the first big hurdle.
Only a very small percentage of people coming online to make money have any degree of technical knowledge and so creating a web page is seen as an impossible task.
Sadly, that’s where the majority of people either give up or go looking for another way of making money that doesn’t include the squeeze page step.
Fortunately technology has moved on a long way now and there are lots of options for creating your squeeze that do not involve you being a web developer.
In this training guide I’m going to show you lots of ways that are available many of which I’ve used myself.
As always I welcome your comments.
Until next time,